The website is property of Chip Sport SA, 1762 Givisiez, Switzerland. The general terms and conditions below apply only to our online shop on and shall under no circumstances apply to our traditional shops. Any confirmed order implies the purchaser’s full and complete acceptance of the general terms and conditions below. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLYING TO INTERNET SALE
Our general terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice, they are displayed clearly on our website. PRICES
All prices on shall be understood to be in Swiss francs, inclusive of VAT and exclusive of delivery fees, payments without discount, for delivery within Switzerland. Chip Sport SA strives to ensure that all information on this site is up-to-date and correct. However, misprints, errors, inaccuracies, omissions or other errors may sometimes occur. Chip Sport SA reserves the right to modify products, prices, descriptions and services sold on this site at any time, without prior notice. Our general terms and conditions apply to all our sales. By placing an order, the customer accepts our general terms and conditions without reserve. We reserve the right to limit quantities available for sale and the right to reject, correct, cancel or terminate any order at any moment for any reason.
The ordered items should be delivered within 3 to 5 weekdays within Switzerland. In general, all items displayed on our online store are on stock and immediately available, errors excepted. Our parcels are delivered by post or by an express carrier, any direct collection in our shops is excluded. A delay in delivery shall under no circumstances give right to deduction, penalty, compensation or restitution. Goods are shipped at the risk of the purchaser on whom it is incumbent to check the condition at the moment of delivery. The customer should check the item’s references, quantities, quality and conformity to the order. Claims made more than 10 weekdays after the delivery date will not be taken into consideration.
Our invoices must be paid at the validation of the order and only by using one of the payment methods displayed on our site: Visa, EuroCard / Master Card, Postcard and e-finance, any kind of delivery on credit is excluded. Normal use, abuse, inappropriate use or accidental breakage are not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, any compensation for whatever reasons is excluded. The item subject to the manufacturer’s warranty must be accompanied by the invoice. Depending on the manufacturer’s decision, the item may be replaced, exchanged for an equivalent item, repaired or credited. The warranty process may take two to six weeks. CONFIDENTIALITY See privacy noticePlace of jurisdiction, applicable law
The place of jusrisdiction is Fribourg. Swiss law alone is applicable.